Thursday, January 31, 2008

soup and infedelity

(my domestic-style morning involved making homemade soup)

it's my man's b-day. i got a babysitter for the day so we could waste it away by doing stupid shit, seeing a movie, eating wherever/whatever we wanted and all around just kickin it pre-kid style.

so, he decided he wanted to go see rambo. i said sure...why not...? it was that or cloverfield, but i get scared easy so i figured rambo might be better. well, i got scared in rambo too. we had to leave about fifteen minutes into the movie. i am such a pussy. so, i ruined that.

the thought of going home bored me to tears, so i went exploring instead. i dragged my guy too. he hated it...every minute he hated. yes, i know it's cold but damn, some days adventure and spontaneity just scream to me so much louder that common sense and sympathy. we found little hotels, a water fall, a penguin on a wall, a bridge leading under the highway that led to where hundreds of birds were keeping a river open, rugged terrain and sunny skies...and we did all of this while eating movie candy.

i ruined his birthday by not doing a thing he wanted though...even though i worked really hard to make it so we could do whatever HE wanted in the first place. i feel really bad and i managed to solidify my monopoly on crazy in this relationship. some days, i even annoy myself.

(a hotel we found on my selfish adventure. i think people do bad things here; it's shady looking)

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