Thursday, January 24, 2008


(steam...from some rooftop)

on my hour long commute to work...two things happened today. first, i discovered that almost everything, both living and non, will steam somehow or another when it is seventeen degrees below zero outside.

and the second thing that happened on my hour long commute this morning was, a rainbow formed out of ice particles in the air creating a giant arc around the sun. long story about science-y stuff cut short...i drove right through a rainbow. the arc landed exactly where i was; i could see the air shimmering with ice crystals and the end of a rainbow in the ditch. i tried to take a pic, but because i haven't washed my car in forever and it's coated in salt and chemicals you couldn't see a thing. i'm not even sure how legal my car is right now come to think of it...

anyway, those are two things that happened on my hour long commute to work today.

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