Wednesday, January 23, 2008

it's my first...

(the city in which i am employed.)

...and i'm not sure what to say; though, i'm sure i'll figure out something. i did just get my finger trapped in between the freezer and refrigerator door. we have one of those side by side ones. it was the most pain i've been in in quite some time. introduce myself briefly...a i am a 27 year old chick with not a ton of important stuff to talk about, but i do nonetheless, a that is.

the basics of me are as follows:

~i am quite liberal. very pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, and very anti-meat eating...though i could give less than two shits if you eat it or not. i'm not sure why i decided to connect those thoughts into one single sentence, but i did.

~i am insanely random and i get bored incredibly easy.

~my imagination is that of a six year olds.

~i like the color red the most, followed up by black. put 'em together and i'm the happiest. it's a dramatic color scheme and i have a tendency to be a bit dramatic.

~i swear more than any lady ever should...also, more than most sailors should. though i don't spit so much anymore; oh, and and my ass crack is always hanging out. when will low rise finally go away?? then again, i hate the alternative...even more, i think.

~i have a very high spirited child who is under the belief that she must ride her imaginary horse named, christmas tree shiny ornament, everywhere we go.

~i have a fiance who somehow, someway finds the patience on a daily basis to put up with me. how he does it, i will never know. i am, on top of everything else listed in this blog, both anal-retentive and ridiculously annoying. i would have dumped me so long ago. patience of a saint i tell ya...patience of a saint...

~i like my coffee black, chocolate dark and wine red.

~i leave clothes laying everywhere and buy everything on clearance, at garage sales or second-hand stores. i like re-doing nasty old furniture i find at the afore mentioned places by refinishing it and painting it some sort of red. my main creative outlet rears its head through the lens of my camera however.

~girls annoy me quite often. they complain, they gossip, they whine and they are moody...yes, i am all of these things too, but that doesn't mean i have to like any of them. this, my friends, is why i could never hold down a lesbian relationship.

~i work at a museum. i do kinda boring stuff when compared to the other jobs around me, but i enjoy it.

~i wear some ridiculous looking clothes. on a normal day...i shoot to look just above homeless.

~i'm always wanting more but always procrastinating. i mean, ALWAYS procrastinating. this blog thing was my new years resolution...i needed a creative challenge...and i am finally, as of January 23rd, getting around to it. that's the basics of who i am. my blogs, i promise, in the future won't be this long. well, maybe some days they will be...but for the most part, if i write one complete sentence i will be satisfied. i also plan to include a picture of some sort...that's where the whole personal challenge thing comes into play. i can write a sentence a day...but can i snap a shot a day? we'll see...i am so lazy with my creativity...i need to push myself.

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