Sunday, March 20, 2011

singin' in the rain...till i step in a turd

(yeah. dixie might be a bad idea...but bad idea is my middle name...)

woke up today, stomach sore from yesterday's bout of sickness, though feelin on the upswing now. think i may eat something more than toast today. at the moment, there's five big dudes passed out in various places in my house; so, this morning, this beautifully, rainy morning, has been spent working in my office. got emails answered, got more to go, got cards to send out and am waitin' for the kid and the new addition to the family to burst through the door. (the kid's been out due to me not being able to hold down a popsicle and the new addition, an 80 lb weimaraner.)

i gotta say, this weather works wonders for my soul. the cloudiness and dreariness. it's amazing and inspiring and i want to go outside, onto a little dirt road, with a beautiful umbrella, an old suitcase (packed full of treasures), my yellow raincoat and polka dot rain boots, steamy cup of coffee and my camera and just stand there. and i want you there to take photos. and then i want to hit the city, ya know, that one little coffee shop i adore, with my laptop and i want to edit the photos and chat about stupid stuff and stare out the windows at druggies and homeless people and laugh at hipsters, (yet secretly know i'm gonna copy that outfit the one girl is wearing just as soon as i can), and laugh at us for kinda being like them but then quickly listing all the reasons we're not. and then i wanna eat a big cookie with m&m's, as i get my third cup of coffee for the day.

oh! wait! i see a pattern up there. color! i see color! it's beautiful! from umbrella's to m&m''s all in color and that's an amazing thing after all this winter blah and snow and cold. this winter's been a bit extreme and my lack of creativity has been mirroring that, spittingly. (though i do believe i say this every year. and judging from the annual gap in my hard drives for the entire month of february--christmas and new years keep january alive--through march, i feel like i'm normal, or somethin.)

regardless. color. color is awesome. and it's coming through again. in fm stereo with an antennae. loud and clear.

and now, i need to pick up poop in my yard.

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