Wednesday, March 9, 2011

40 days and 40 nights

(last week's sherlock holmes night was paired with really good bread and absinthe. though, after one tiny sip, i decided to never drink it again.)

(saturday night was games and taco's with the future in-laws. it's a good thing he thinks i'm cute when i drink too much...)

i got lots on my mind and feelin' like i got no outlet.
feelin' like i have no window to see outta, no vent to yell outta. tired of hearin' myself talkin' and gettin' nothin' but my echo in response. tired of the swirling questions in my mind combined with the lack of time...


i don't know what's going on with me...i swear though, it happens this time of year, every year. and, in fact, at the end of almost every season...i just get bored and frustrated. i get mad at myself for not doing more and not doing enough and all that crap. i can't wait to someday shake this...or, at least figure out how to deal/ignore with/it.

on a completely separate note...i gave up coffee for lent. anyone who knows me knows i have a habit. i need to have a cup with me, at all times. it can be day old and cold (i don't add cream or sugar so it's not gross. i swear.) some nights, i'll have no clothes picked out for the next day or food ready or even my kid packed up for school...but i will have the coffee maker all prepped and ready to go. i mentioned giving up wine but my guy and roomie both yelled, 'no!' at the same time. apparently, friday night, is the one night of the week i'm nice and social...


Drackar said...

Absinthe is...horrible. Good bread is amazing, though.

Iris said...

perfectly put, drackar. i agree completely.