Monday, March 21, 2011

bah humbug. or somethin.

(coffee is still out...though i slipped up. i thought when i was getting sick it was coffee withdrawal. turns out, after puking it right back wasn't. i was just getting sick...)

all right. so. on the same note as yesterday's color spasm...i listened to the radio today! i turned off MPR and i listened to actual, cheerful, colorful, dancy, happy, radio! and all i have to say is, WTH!?

okay. i know. i know. i know. i sound old. and i sound cliche. and i sound like everyone who thinks they know (or wants to sound like they know) anything about music. but srsly. it's stupid. (lady gaga, you're excluded from this rant because,well, born this way makes me sing express yourself, and well, ya can't go wrong when singing express yourself or copying madonna.) (also, i'm not sure if that was a slam or praise either...i do have to say, i quite fancy your music and have ever since that beautiful fame album ended up in my clammy little hands, and consequently got played until i knew every word, backwards and forwards and even slightly sideways, i have adored you.)

anyway. the problem (aka: reality) lies within the fact that there are nearly 7 billion people currently on this planet. humans have been making music since, well, since they were born as a species...? and it's all been done. (bare naked ladies sang that...) and yeah. maybe when you turn thirty, ke$ha becomes completely unoriginal (yet still damn catchy), (and also, why does ke$ha enter my blog so often?) and i swear, everything 'new' i'm hearing out of SXSW sounds like something the Stones already did, but damn. and hipsters are just recycled hippies. and if people woulda listened to hippies, our world would be in much better shape. though with that logic, i am NOT implying anyone should ever listen to a thing hipsters say. and i's four o'clock, on monday, i'm sober. why can't my brain be quiet??

i'm gonna go eat more soup. and drink my tea. and wonder why every show is 'reality' even though anyone with half a brain could see that there's no 'reality' to any of the conversations that happen a 'reality' show.

and i'm gonna stop writing. i sound like an old man. not a nice one though, a crabby old mean one who's pissed that your ball went in his yard.

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