Saturday, January 29, 2011

ya know you make me feel so real...

(very typical friday night activities...)

i love friday fun nights. last night went from me having a lousy week to wine, cards, music, good and, often times, embarrassing conversation. and ya know, suddenly, the week didn't seem so awful. the bite marks and bruises from the week vanished, as i dug myself into hole after hole with my words. i fell asleep around 4:40 this morning, after being awake for nearly 24 hours and got up, very well rested, after about five hours of sleep. (this whole week i've been battling a cold...i haven't slept a full night in forever, due to, well, not being able to breathe. and staying awake for 24 hours, willingly, is like a natural reset switch. i swear. it's amazing.)

i didn't get fun shopping today. i did hit a few stores for food and stuff...nothing spectacular. but, it still scratched an itch. i was thinking i might go tomorrow until i started looking at all the work i should get done instead. but that's tomorrow :)

currently, i'm drinkin coffee, eating puppy chow, snapping pics of my random weekend activities and being crafty. (see below for visuals...) my kid has a pretty cool new barrette now and one i'm sure i'll be borrowing from time-to-time and, quite frankly, would love to make more of. i got uber inspired by an old classmate, whom i recently ran into at a volunteer appreciation event we were both attending. we became fb friends and i couldn't get enough of her craft pictures. it completely re-lit a spark inside me for all the crafty things i've always liked to do, but never seem to have time for anymore. (i blame the internet.) (and blogging.) (hmmm. without the internet though, there would be no blogging, so, mostly i guess, i should just blame the internet.) anyway...she makes tons of stuff for gifts and i love that. there is nothing cooler than getting something someone made for me. i think i should start next christmas now. then again...there's always the fear of, 'oh crap. they're gonna hate it and lie and tell me they love it. and then throw it away and laugh at me while they're doing it.' i think artists/crafters are all narcissists at heart...we make stuff because we think we're awesome enough to give away our homemade goods and that you're gonna love it way more than a gift card to target. i mean...who wouldn't rather get homemade barrettes as opposed to cash?? ...sigh...

huh. minus the have every weekend of my high school career happening again, tonight. oh. and the kid. minus the kid. crafts, puppy chow and being home. i like this though. it feels as good as it did then :)

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