Saturday, January 1, 2011

twenty eleven. welcome.

(this is the boy who has given me h1n1, vomited all over me, gagged me with the smell of his feet, pee'd on me and made me fall flat on my ass in front of thirty people. despite all that, i still really like the kid...)

hey! twenty eleven! good to see ya!

so...i got over the h1n1 fully and threw a party to ring in the new year...a year that i'm already in love with. i needed some friend time, and rock band time, and time with my new flask. i figured that since i missed my bday, halloween AND christmas, it was long overdue. my bff had to work but surprised me by getting the night off and not telling me until after she went so far as to even get in her scrubs. (she loves when i get excited because i jump around and hug and kiss and scream...and then do it all again.) anyway, it was awesome. we played music, and played with the kids, and had great conversation, and met new people, and ate good food, and laughed and lovely bff, fell down my stairs and broke her right ankle AND left foot. she can't walk, can't work, can't drive, basically, she can't do anything anymore. ((sigh)) she's a nurse it's not like she has a comfy desk job to be at; her job REQUIRES her feet.

anyway...this year promises to be good because i am determined to make it that way. last year left so much room for improvement.

in this next year, i would like to:
~take another step toward being my own boss and letting my passion support me.
~eat way closer to the source. (i'm writing this AS i eat pizza rolls but whatevs...monday.) i'm not a dieter but all the preservatives and crap that's in my food is out of control. the less ingredients, the better.
~gain some sort of control with my finances. i just don't remember to pay my bills. if i set up auto withdraw then, i'm fine. but i never do.
~and, with that ^^ being said, i would love to set the goal of doing something the first time i think of it. i procrastinate way too much and i have way too busy of a schedule to give procrastination a voice.
~and finally, work at a relationship. it's an amazing feeling to be working with a partner on something and it's a feeling i've never once known until recently. i come from two generations of divorce so working with someone, as opposed to separating, when things get difficult isn't something i've witnessed first hand. and that's totally okay, i'm just ready to break that cycle. however, figuring out how to do it hasn't come naturally. but, i'm ready and i'm completely willing to do what it takes. and, honestly, i'm excited about it!

so yeah. that's what i want to do in this next year. oh...and also, keep doing whatever it is i'm doing with my kid. she is amazing, and smart, and funny, and talented, and driven, and considerate, and thoughtful and just, all around, wonderful.

i was also thinkin...after being uber-inspired by a budding photographer friend, who just got his first good camera, that i should pick this baby back up, like i used to. shoot a photo daily. blog three times a week. the guy said no, cuz i should really focus on actually paying a bill when i sit down at my computer, as opposed to blogging, and i GET that...but i WANT to blog and take photos. i DON'T want to pay my bills... i gotta think on this one.

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