Saturday, January 15, 2011

cowboys, indians and licorice...

(recent fascination, miniatures. the camera was a gift and the other two were 40 cents at target...i think this is the beginning of a new collection)

what to do on a saturday night that finds me totally flat broke and with two kids runnin around? turn on the current, grab my camera, my laptop, a cup of cold coffee and get some work done! this whole studio/office thing really does come in handy...and lord only knows the work that i need to get done. my website is just about up and running but still needs a few tweaks, a have a shoot that needs to be finished editing, i have cards that need a proofing before hitting the, order now, button and i have some marketing materials that need to be refreshed. plus, i have some thank you cards i'd like to get made, a typewriter that could use some love and a couple old camera's that need a little help. oh. and i'd really like to grab my oils and dirty up some canvas with 'em. creatively, i have endless energy lately. i do love winter for that. today, i gutted and rearranged the main areas in my house, leaving them looking bright and crisp and feeling fresh and inspiring...oh, and then i passed out in a sunbeam :)

tomorrow's creativity is gonna help me complete a few of the above mentioned tasks...hopefully. (i attempted to get a jump start on a few of those things tonight but, instead, i have found myself googling usher and teaching the kids how to 'light paint' with glowing jewelry. *see pics below. and now, well now, i don't wanna work. i wanna do something that i haven't quite figured out yet. maybe a movie? this blog has, at this point, taken me two hours to type out.)

remember that plant i blogged about like forever ago? the one that i needed to water? yeah. that one. well, it's pretty much dead now, since that was officially the last time i watered it. on a more positive note, the rest of my house plants are doing wonderfully. (i just looked over at that dead plant...hence the randomness there. in my world, it wasn't that random at all actually.)

okay. i think that's enough blog tonight. (i recognize when it's time to say when.) hmmm. i think i want to watch an old western. maybe something with john wayne. that sounds great actually! i'll let ya know how that goes...

(just runnin' around till the shutter closes...)

(fire hands nephew...)

(force field nephew and hearty, heart kid)

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