Sunday, July 20, 2008


(yesterday's wine...i'm tellin ya, i'm in a slump)

i started writing yesterday. all these words just came spewing out of me. it was awesome. my fingers couldn't even keep with my thoughts. it's some good shit too. real rough and raw though and stuff i just can't let everyone see. it felt good. i finally put some of my thoughts to paper flawlessly. usually i have trouble with getting it all out how i really feel it...

i also puked last night. i only had two glasses of wine but something didn't sit well. so yesterday, not only did i puke words but also wine. it was a good day. all-in-all.

i rousted at 5:30 am this morning and have been up ever quite a pleasant mood too. today has been nice. so far. i'm outside. my kid and nephew are inside playing and i'm basking in the sun with my sis. however, i have been noticing i apparently forgot deodorant. i know...too much. my guy's been really into the myers briggs thing lately. he just took the thing for the first time and is comparing everyone to his letters. i decided to take it too. i take it every couple of years, out of boredom mostly, and it always seems to change a bit. i change too though. apparently, i'm an esfp. at my best, it fits me to a tee. that quiz doesn't take into consideration my manic side though. at my worst, i am the exact opposite of that. i can be one side or the other quite easily. my results also pointed out how wonderful i am in the present with little to no disregard for future consequences. i was quite happy when he read that.'s just WHO i am. i can't help it. in fact, it's so common with my personality type it's become part of the esfp profile. i try to get good at opening my mail but i'm busy doing other things that are more important. i need someone who's naturally good at giving direction which, according to myers briggs, my guy is. i'm so glad he is. if i didn't have someone to keep me opening my mail i would be in serious trouble. esfp's are natural performers who like to always be the center of attention. i'm slightly annoying in that field. i am fun at parties though. my results also stated that i don't like to be alone and don't function well if i am for too long. some of mine and my guys biggest fights have been about his leaving. see hon, i'm actually quite normal. oh, and i learned that contrary to my blog the other night, i'm not self-destructive...i just give in to temptation easily. it's NORMAL for my type of person. i'm concerned with aesthetics which, obviously, i am. i wouldn't be any good at photography if i weren't. well, not saying i'm awesome or anything...but i do get a lot of compliments. it brings up my low tolerance for anxiety; it's true too. i freak out when too much is happening and i avoid things that could bring me anxiety for as long as humanely possible...hence my issue with opening the mail.

here's where to take it...

so yeah. other than that, i'm in a photo slump. haven't had much free time now that my kids on summer break. gotta make some. gotta make some money too with this whole photo thing to justify the two grand i want to spend on equipment. i decided within seven years i want this as my full time thing. photos that is. not blogging. blogging full time would be stupid. i have enough issues doing this on a daily basis.

ok, that's it for now. today's a day i feel i could ramble on forever about nothing. i think i could.


LaNae said...

I am a ENFJ, see you sat.

Iris said...

that totally fits you too.

yep, see ya sat!

Anonymous said...

I am an esfj...not sure what that means...