Wednesday, July 2, 2008

a blog. the end,

i'm really struggling for something to write today.

i mean, i know i re-made the rules awhile back--saying i don't have to write everyday but ever since i said that, i want to write everyday. even on days like today, when i really have nothing to say...i want to write. you think i would use this as one of my days off, but nope, i'm going to make you all suffer through it with me.

well, if you weren't bored, or not at least a little entertained, i guess you wouldn't be reading this anyway though, huh? so really, i'm not making anyone suffer through it. it's more like some weird symbiotical relationship we have going you and desire to read, despite my boringness and i desire to write, despite my boringness.

you can be the zebra and i'll be the oxpecker...together, we'll keep each other occupied.

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