Monday, March 31, 2008

what a difference a day makes

(after a self-induced, 'find-some-color-challenge' this is what i reverted back to good 'ol b & w)

yesterday, it felt like it was spring. today, six inches later, i finally found the excuse to buy the cute fedora i've had my eye on. i had a gift card and the inspiration was literally falling from the sky...well, blowing somewhat horizontally from what i'm assuming was the sky; either way, it was definitely a hat wearing kinda day. between the new hat and the beaver i met, it's been a pretty good day...despite the blizzard.

i'm diggin the whole writing three times a week thing...i love posting new pics but the words are often times hard to come by. i mean, i could bore ya'll with some melodramatic poetry or whiny crap no one needs to hear about but, alas, that's only entertaining for a day or two...and mostly for me. i've also noticed that i have a tendency to very easily write about what's bugging me and forgetting about the stuff not irritating me. it's impossible for me to be pure, happy and simple and still find inspiration to write. there are no words when i'm content but, the second even one minor note of of dissonance flows into my life, the words, and the emotions come rushing out like sixteenth notes onto my paper. it's unstoppable. i feel so much better after the fact; unfortunately, i have a tendency to freak people out when i do that though. it's give and take i spose. in fact, iris fact of the the day, i have purposely kept myself living in the filth and squalor of my own misery just to have the ability to keep the words flowing. i know it sounds psychotic to some, ask a writer though. seriously. they'll agree. i don't like calling myself an artist because i don't think i really am but, i really do think like one. a cup a psycho i tell ya...mixed with a pinch of sane...or, vise versa, depending on the day...