Sunday, March 23, 2008

and a happy easter to you too

(not sure about the whole cat thing yet...this ones my sis' permanently resides at my dad's house though)

so, i meant to explain why i didn't write anything the other night...we had friends over, played rock band, drank beer, smoked cigarettes and played cards. i would have been fine to write after they left, if i hadn't become so outrageously crabby. you see, it all started as my best friend started whooping my ass at cards. i was losing by over 100 points when i said quite loudly...I'M DONE. i've never been a graceful loser. i can not tell you the number of boards, from candyland to cribbage, that have been thrown over by me in an unsophisticated, juvenile fit of rage. i'm the worst if i'm winning, winning, winning, and then all of a sudden losing. the worst is trying to teach my kid how to be a good sport...again, it's a do as i say, not as i do kind of situation.

anyway, today was a good easter. i used to have this dreamy little vision of big family dinners, delicate pastel-colored spring dresses, giggling children and warm sunny afternoons...then, i remembered that is SO not me. today was an easter egg hunt through cubicles at my guys work and then pizza and egg dying with my dad. it was so perfect! seriously. i loved every minute of it. well, except for the headache that attacked me after i gorged on peeps...but, that was a bit self-induced if i do say so myself.