Monday, July 12, 2010

not drama...this is whining.

(yoda quota)

i don't really have much to say. i'm not even sure why i'm here. maybe to complain? yep. complain., it's the middle of july and the last time i can remember being excited about something was, uhm...april. that's really sad. i'm not depressed or anything, just every time i get excited...reality kicks in. this friday, for example, i had plans with my daughter, bff and her daughter...then, i was reminded of money. i canceled. i felt genuinely excited while planning and after the week i'm up against...i'm gonna need it. but i can't without feeling it/hearing about it harshly. story of everything i do lately. sigh. and peeps wonder why i fall out of touch...

on a brighter, semi-exciting favorite show starts back up tomorrow. they only have 15 minute long episodes but, after the 12 hours i will have spent on my feet and driving all over in a black, non-air-conditioned truck with leather seats, in the middle of july --i'm gonna need that 15 minutes of pure bliss.

this blog is depressing me...i take back that not depressed comment up there ^^. i think i've just sank myself into it. darn.

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