Saturday, July 3, 2010


(the suitcase's face. him and i had about the same expression on our faces for most of the day...)

all right. all right. so i might have hit three glasses last night and ended up in the garage with cigarettes, music and conversation. i know that sounds nice maybe, and it was, but i'm tellin ya that when that creativity starts spinning in my head and i DON'T vent it...i get weird and often times, well, a tad bit self destructive--i know, giant surprise there... anyway, so i never quite made it to my camera.

today though, i did...and i failed on both attempts.

attempt one:
i photographed a bit more of the suitcase contents this afternoon. i got annoyed and quit though because it was too loud and way too bright. which maybe sounds weird, i know, but the other night when i was photographing it, it was such a romantic, mysterious mood that was set by the silence and the history in the suitcase. today just didn't feel the same and i couldn't convey the same mood in the photos that the other night contained so easily. does that make me sound crazy? no...of course not? cool. so i snapped a couple shots, totally diva'd out with it, got pissy and quit. i'll go another round with her next week some night.

attempt two:
after dark tonight, i grabbed my camera and headed outside. i had this great idea that involved simply the light from the garage and me in high heels standing at the edge of where the light met the dark. just knees down though. it was gonna be so rad; however, since i had been wearing 1970's style tube socks (blue-ringed in case it mattered) all day, i had tube sock rings around my legs. nothin sexier than a chick, in high heels, with sock rings i tell ya. oh, and not that i was going for sexy, because being a girl who wears tube socks, (all colored rings, in case it mattered) all the time, i can't really pull off sexy by nature. i was going for something less ugly though, that's for sure. i snapped like two pictures and then quit because i knew i couldn't hide it. i'll come back to that project next week too.


and now it's after eleven and i'm too tired to start a new project. movie it is i guess while i get slightly dizzier...


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