Monday, June 21, 2010

yes. i'm back.

ok. so whatever. i know i said i was done. but really...i'm never ACTUALLY done with anything--even when i KNOW i should be. i'll keep the drama out. hopefully.

so, what got me back, you ask? or not ask, but i'm telling regardless? here's the story: the other day, i went to work. a coworker said, 'hey! it's been awhile! how was your week!?' and i say...oh let me tell you how that thing was--and i went on a rant. she just stared at me for a bit and said, 'wow. that's a hell of a week. i've been working mostly.' then, i started thinking about it and realized that, actually, it had been a pretty typical week in my world and that i should be writing more. but i'm not. but i should be, because i think i'm the kind of person that just needs to write sometimes.

so. last week. here were a few of the highlights:

-i blew a tire while driving on the freeway. it happened to be near a decent location and thanks to wonderful family and friends...i was up and running within a couple hours. from there, went to the zoo, spent 30 minutes trying to park and drove down a one way (where i magically found a spot and royally pissed off the people traveling the correct way looking for spots). from there, sweaty and greasy iris wardrobe changed, cleaned up with a paper towel, threw on some makeup and attended the grand opening of her gallery--complete with LOTS of fancy people, wine and cheese.

-i impaled my foot with a toothpick. i kicked it at 5 am while hastily exiting the bathroom (my super-spy kid and her sneaky little cousin had been trying to pick the lock earlier). if i hadn't been throwing a temper tantrum prior to the incident i would have felt worse for myself than i did--but somehow, somewhere, i felt i deserved it for my negativity. anyway, after an hour of soaking my foot, panicking, trying to wake someone up to help and having no luck, panicking again, and finally just closing my eyes and yanking, a 3/4 inch long chunk was removed. that caused blood to spout and me to limp for two days straight (or until the swelling went down).

-i nearly suffocated myself with smoke in my garage. when it's super muggy and raining, grilling in the garage is not the best idea...the smoke doesn't really go anywhere. well, it goes into your house and sets off smoke detectors, that is.

-my pond hatched tadpoles! ok. pond didn't really...but something in there did. and they're so cute. not cuddly though.

-i missed a beach ball. yeah. i know. i actually went to kick it. and missed it by a few inches somehow (i blame my SUPER kick for disturbing the air it was sitting in and making it move just enough so i couldn't possibly have missed it out of stupidity--just awesomeness). anyway. a wall and a beach ball do NOT feel the same on toes.

-oh. and apparently it was a bad foot week, as i also dropped a can of coke and the rim of it 'bounced' off that top bone in my foot. that brought me to the floor pretty fast. actually, all of those foot injuries found me on the floor within a split second come to think of it...

so...yeah. when you go into work and tell your coworker all those stories i guess it warrants that 'look'. i hate that 'look'. but...i make a good story i guess? anyway...welcome back me.

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