Tuesday, July 28, 2009

15! 15! 15! 15! 15!

(no. i didn't take a picture of her. though i should have. and i should have photo shopped devil horns on her)

dear pregnant woman at rainbow foods yesterday,

the whole concept of the 15 items or less line is so that people who have 15 items or less, like myself, don't have to wait behind people with full cart loads of food, like yourself.

i think it sucks that, on a monday evening, every line is stretched nearly back into an isle and there's only three lanes open. but i think it sucks more that the express lane, is being consumed by you, your pregnant self, your wic vouchers and your slower than a snail method of unpacking your cart.

oh...and when you continue to look back at everyone standing there could you at least say sorry instead of moving even slower because you got distracted by our scorns?



LaNae said...

I hate Rambow I will never shop there again for that reason, they never have the poper number of people in check out, when you have to wait ten min just to check yourself out that is sad.

Iris said...

it's ridiculous! that's also why i hate kmart!