Thursday, April 30, 2009

honk. beep. jerk.



(no flash)

so yesterday, right as i was getting home after an hour long commute, i thought...if i come around that turn and there's a giant alien stomping on cars, what i am going to do? i had no plan, so i quick made one and by the time i got to the corner had actually started envisioning what the monster will look like. turns out, there were no aliens after all, which was good--as my plan of playing dead seemed kind of weak anyway.

it was at that moment...i started to think of all the things that i had thought of in the last few minutes and i quick made a list of them, for bloggin purposes only. here are my blog safe thoughts...(i wanted to do the same today but my only thought, the whole way home, was definitely NOT blog-safe.)

1) country music sucks lately. like for the past couple of years, there's been very, very few memorable songs. they're all so freakin sappy. whatever happened to drunk country music sung by a guy in jail...

2) that new eminem song is terrible. he sounds like a stroke victim with half of his english accent left, who's also taking estrogen pills, which are causing his voice to rise. i'm sorry. that was mean. no, i'm not sorry. that song sucks. it sounds like he spliced two totally different songs together and then filled in the gaps with bad celebrity jokes he ripped off from the new guy doing stand-up at the local comedy club.

3) my ass is getting flat. i sit too much. (this thought only came after i had sat on the same spot of the highway for three minutes without so much as moving an inch. apparently, someone's car had stalled on the shoulder and everyone had to slow down because they had never seen a parked car before. jerks. my ass was getting flatter by the second.)

4) i hate chex mix so much. i love those gardetto things, but chex mix--disgusting. oh. i did try the turtle kind though. omg. that stuff is amazing. i actually ate a whole bag once--by accident. it was all there and then like 40 minutes later, it was gone.

5) i'm afraid i may be addicted to a cd. could that be possible? the songs that hurt are my favorite (lyrics example of one of them: "i know this hurts, it was meant to"--see what i mean? no? that's cool. me neither.) bottom line...i think i'm addicted to pain. not in a freaky way though. just in the way that it makes me think a lot better, deeper and more productive thoughts than when i'm happy. when i'm happy, i just smile stupidly and chirp along with that stupid taylor swift lady. (when i finally broke off the chains of addiction that that cd had had me tied up in, and turned on the top 40 station--love story was on...gotta love that taylor swift and her great music.) (no. i don't know either if i was being sarcastic there or not. i'm actually torn as to exactly what i feel about her.)

1 comment:

LaNae said...

The Turtle chex mex is too good, I agree, I ate the whole bag too. I too was stuck yesterday because there were two cars on the side of the road and one was jumping the other, they both had WI plates, so I just assume people were waiting to see if they would electrocute themselves.