Monday, October 13, 2008

why does claire need a seatbelt?

(i stayed home sick today. my kid and i made lots of worms...she told me i stayed home 'crafty')

so do you want to hear the worst thing i've done in recent history? goes. i lost the keys to my neighbors house.

see, i'm house sitting while she's gone, you know...feeding the cat and fish and stuff. i was there yesterday and now today, the keys are gone. just gone. i would normally call her to see if there's a spare around but her phone number is locked in her house. on her fridge. i have to get in there tomorrow somehow otherwise the cat will probably eat the fish and my neighbor will hate me. i like her and don't want her to hate me.

how could a key just disappear in one day? i wasn't even home most of yesterday. damn.

i'm good at breaking in but that would be so embarrassing if i got caught. i'll sleep on it i spose. that usually solves everything.


~lou~ said...

any luck finding the key?

maybe anya's seen it? or maybe the dog ate it... man, that would suck if the dog ate it...

next time i say make a copy without her knowing... then you have a back up! lol

Iris said...

erik found it! i'll blog about it tonight :)

what's stupid is that i've had her key since may and i haven't lost it once while i DIDN'T need it!