Thursday, October 30, 2008

bad bad leroy brown

can anyone explain to me what's happening in that pic? are they doin it? is the one on top eating the other one? did the one molt? like my tarantula...? (yes, i have a tarantula as a pet.) those two stayed like that, like, forever. i mean, you know how jumpy grasshoppers are...they actually let me--with my tripod--get that shot. it was weird. oh, speaking of you ever just get someone's music stuck in your head? i do. lately it's been jim croce. he was so amazing. i can't stop listening to him. too bad he died. in a plane crash. i need to make money. more money. my job pays crap. i'm getting real close to doing something real big...i can feel it. in fact, i just got a wonderful offer from a good old friend. she's an amazing creative writer who's trying to make a living doing it freelance...anyway, she offered to do any writing i need (website, flyers, etc...the stuff that always hangs me up) for free. in return, i offered her free photo work to help build her portfolio or for anything else she needs. i'm excited. i just need to find a course of action...

that's all i gots tonight. tomorrow is a party night so i probably won't blog. i plan to drink till my fingers can't type...

i will leave you with these parting words of advice though...

don't tug on superman's cape.
don't spit into the wind.
don't pull the mask off the old lone ranger and DON'T mess around with slim.

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