Sunday, October 12, 2008

snug as a bug in a rug

(right after this picture...the incident happened)

ok, so i was walking along today. breathing in an out like normal when, out of nowhere, this asian beetle bug hurled itself straight at me and launched his stupid buggy self right up my nose. asian beetles are those orange-y lady bugs that bite, that stain if you squish 'em, that i hate, and that apparently, fit really perfectly (and really tightly) right up noses.

so, without missing a beat, and without freaking too bad, i plugged the clear nostril and blew that stupid little bug right back out with all my might; he was jammed in there pretty good. he shot out, hit the ground pretty hard and layed there for a second before jumping back up (looking quite disoriented may i add), and flying away.

i think he was drunk.


LaNae said...

ICK!!! I hate them damb things! Ahh It hurt me to read your post. I miss you!

~lou~ said...


that's about all i can say about this one....