Friday, October 24, 2008

i have no idea what just happened

(i felt like buying a fern today so i went to home depot and bought a fern today)


today i went to walmart and right now i'm eating nachos and drinking wine from a box.
this a'int right.

at least i'm still votin obama.

hmmm, well...but that there palin's lookin and soundin pretty dang convincin. bein she's a maverick and a woman and all. her five kids an that new born special needs baby are real lucky to have such a great mommy. good thing she's there for 'em. i bet she'd be real there for america too. and real smart. makin the choice to run for veep was real smart. she's a maverick. a real maverick. an real smart. good for her. what'a real strong woman. maybe i should vote for her. maybe then i'd be as smart as her. maybe i could be a strong mom too. it was so smart of mccain to pick 'er. i'm sure he was usin his smarts too. always lookin out for our country...i mean, when he dies in office he was so smart to make sure that that palin maverick will be there to lead us all. girl power! yay!

i'm done now.


~lou~ said...

im guessing the wine was just about gone when you wrote this? lol

im glad you FINALLY got your fern!!! :)

Iris said...

i had maybe had a couple of glasses at that point.

i don't take it back though. not none of it.

Iris said...

OH! and you KNOW she's bad when high ranking members of your own political party would rather vote for the other party than vote for the man who chose you as a running mate. cough cough colin powell cough cough. if i were her i would just go away...if you care about the unity of this country more than your own agenda you should exit gracefully and let mccain save some face. oh wait, he CHOSE her in the first place.
he's crazy and way out of touch with reality.