Wednesday, April 30, 2008

101st...yay. eh, it's not the same.

(i love bath's a bit strange)

damn. yesterday was my 100th post and i blew it talking about my usual nothingness. really though, what can you really do to celebrate a 100th blog posting? nothing, i guess.


here's what i should've wrote:




i should've done that...i think. why you ask--well, i ask me that too. yeah, i really have no seemed somewhat appropriate i guess.

shut it.
i said somewhat.

like i said, what can you really do for a 100th blog posting...?

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

yesterday's title would've been more clever had i had said...yummy. not delicious.

(little fuzzy caterpillars always make me happy)

let's see...anything interesting going on in my world...? hmmm...well, yeah, there's all kinds of interesting--but it's all complicated. like all the car stuff for example--the last thing i want to do is try to explain it...hell, i hardly understand it. i did receive, in the mail today, about 12 items from different lawyers and chiropractors in my area...i think the cops sold my name to a mass mailing place or something. suddenly, everyone wants me to sue and/or be sore. i'm neither, so i recycled it all. i do still have this painful red mark on my neck that just won't go away. it's weird. it was where the seat belt and glass got me the most. the glass dust stuff didn't agree so well with my skin (it actually made me break out) so maybe i just need a dermatologist...?

Monday, April 28, 2008

eatin like a bunny can be so delicious

(i had a wonderful dinner tonight...that's all)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

maybe winter will be done by may...?

the other day, while sitting in the drive through line at taco bell, i spent time talking to one of my best good friends.

here's a snippet of the conversation...

he yeah, i'm just laying on the beach, it's beautiful here *pause* wow, yeah, she was hot *long pause* yeah, so uh, what was i saying...? and i said, shut up, it's been 45 degrees and raining for two days straight now. to which he replied, yeah, well, at least it's not snowing.

to him, after two days of snow, i suck.

a cup with a piece of paper please...

(don't worry...i freed him humanely)

Friday, April 25, 2008

pretty simple, i am

(i spent so much time getting dressed today only to put on a mismatched, holey outfit anyway)

today i got my hair done, ate taco bell and munched on some cinnamon pull and peel licorice. all in all, it was a good day...any day that can include a seven layer burrito is a good day in my book i guess.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

i know they're a part of kmart and all, but really...?

(i spent my day under this umbrella)

quick, while at sears (why i was there, i'm still not totally sure) i saw the most idiotic promotion. oh wait--here, let me tell the story better...this rainy afternoon, in the never ending wii search, i walked in through the tool section doors at sears and there, on my left, was a small round table with a yellow tablecloth, seven two liter bottles of soda and a sign reading exactly this: CREDIT BLOWOUT EVENT! Free 2 liter pop with every new credit account.

wow. thanks sears for giving so much back to your loyal-enough-to-open-a-charge-account-with-you customers. seriously, your generosity astonishes me.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

the indian in the cupboard, i mean in my yard...

i keep finding these little toys around my yard. i love them with their little poses and all. there were teenage boys who used to live in this house before me...i wonder if they were their's once...? (i know that last sentence sounds completely ungrammatical, but i think it's correct.)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

i needed to get this dark grey cloud out of my sunny little mind

(i haven't ever had a clothesline i love this much)

it's scary to me. i don't understand it really, and i know it's inevitable. it's like the one thing in this whole world i'm quite certain i won't be able to talk my way out of--which makes the thought of it even more petrifying to me. it will happen to me and it will happen to my loved ones...and there's no way to avoid it.

faced with recent events in my life, this is weighing on my mind more than ever. i guess though, that the only way to understand something is to think about it over and over until you've at least come to an understanding about it. i don't need to understand it all the way, figure it all out, or hell, really even be ok with it, but i really do need to come to peace with it. maybe that's why there's so many religious folk out there...they just have faith everything will be ok and leave it at that. i don't know. i do know that since i turned about 25 these thoughts have been quite persistent on my gnats around your head in the summer...they're just always there. don't worry, it's not all consuming or anything, and no, i'm not going to go completely goth either; it's just that for the first time in my life, i've actually started actually thinking ahead.

when i was younger, thinking ahead meant what movie i wanted to see on friday (not another van damme flick), where i wanted dinner (taco bell or chinese), what my wedding would look like (lots of pink and green in the conservatory), or what my next car could possibly look like (if i could save some money and not blow it all on clothes). thinking ahead consists mostly of coming to the realization that those thoughts of movies, dinner and cars are over...well not completely over as i refuse to let them all go, but for the most part they're gone (i do still blow way too much money on clothes though). i have noticed that throughout my life i go into these 'thought phases' if you will. i will let a single topic consume me for days, months and a couple of times, even years. then, i guess i just get it or something and i just move on. i'm thinking this is the same thing. it's just the first time in my life, i've actually really thought about the biggest thing since being born...death.

Monday, April 21, 2008

i told ya it would be new...i never promised good

(i hate car shopping. even if i had all the money in the world i would just go in, pick a new one that looks pretty and buy it...screw test driving and all the rest. we didn't buy that one btw)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

clearance makes me happy

today, while shopping at target...i mean my second home, i found these shoes. they were two dollars and twenty four cents and i couldn't say no. i hate the whole fake rubber, cloggy shoe thing, but i love 2.24 and i adore the color red. i also have quite a fondness for bell bottoms.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

i actually have a good excuse for not writing...i swear

(and this was the good side)

i got into a car wreck; it was a mess, as most are. for the severity of the accident however (we actually rolled over), we all escaped relatively unscathed...a few bruises, scratches, scuffs and a shard or two of glass that simply needed to be yanked big deal. my neck is on fire feeling but, i suppose that comes with the territory. my doctor said it should go away in a week or two...i have to say though, i have never felt more blessed in my life.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

i still hate the fish though

all right, all right. so those two are kinda growing on me. i'm even thinking about a trip to fleet farm to buy 'em some corn. they look hungry and i want them to have duckies are so dang cute.

what was that? i should have taken tonight off from writing too? yeah're probably right. in my defense, i was hoping that that baby ducky stuff would have came out more interesting...they were quite enthralling thoughts in my head anyway.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

that's gonna be a lot of french fries someday

(there are so many potato farms by my house)

this morning, as most mornings, i dried my hair with my heater in my truck. it's the dumbest way to dry hair, i know, but i would have to roll my lazy ass out of bed like ten minutes earlier to dry it at home. it makes so much more sense at 6:30 a.m. to just blast the heater, my hair always has the farrah faucet circa 1978 look going on. um...just a lot frizzier and well, a bit messier too...oh yeah, and it's only kinda like that sometimes. ok, it's never really like that...but one day it could look like that. maybe.

all right...this was a night i clearly should have taken off from writing.

Friday, April 11, 2008

rain, ice, snow, wind and thunder and lightning?

well, there was no ten inches of snow; instead, we got ice. we had ice falling from the sky, making a lot of noise and then sticking on everything. on my patio, well, let's just say i could have probably skated on my patio today. and then, when it wasn't icing, it was raining. it was raining some of the coldest rain i have ever felt; and then, every now and then, when the rain would take a rest, giant snowflakes would come tumbling from the clouds. oh, and i can't forget to mention the blustery january-esqe winds that played their part too. the sharp gusts of wind did a perfect job of getting all of the afore mentioned water by-products to dance and swirl violently outside my windows. last night, as i was laying in bed, it actually started thundering and lightning-ing. is that a word? no? oh well, it works...anyway, the thunder was that huge, shake your house kinda thunder. that, as opposed to the ice hitting the rain gutters, sounded beautiful.

i decided to take today and bake cookies and meatloaf. it seemed like the perfect day for such projects. i had never made meatloaf before...well, i shouldn't say that...i did a stint as the kitchen manager at a pre-school in the area and occasionally i had a hand in making the meatloaf...but making meatloaf for personal use, never. it's funny because i make all these foods and i never have any idea how they taste due to not eating meat. i heard it was good though...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

and there's ten more inches to come

so, i logged on to my local and it said this on the very top: north metro will get hit hard (but in all caps). then, right below that, there was the live video feed from the traffic cam up the street so everyone could gawk at how god awful it is here. it seemed a bit voyeuristic if you ask me, but you didn't, so i won't elaborate...bottom sucks. there's like this rain, ice snow mix that's actually coming down sideways right now. so, it's probably not coming down then, huh? i guess it's kinda coming across...either way, it was a bit intimidating to make the top news for a lousy storm.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

even i hate my whiny rants about stupid things dudes say

(i'm hoping these grow back up around our pond...i like em)

which is why i deleted it. seriously. i say stupid things too; i need to get over it...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

splash, splash and quack

let's see...whom do i dislike more? the fish that have overtaken my basement or the ducks that have moved into the fish pond in my backyard? i think it has to be the fish in the basement due to the wet, damp smell that's constantly lingering down there. then dog has taken to treating the duck poop as if it's some french delicacy and then, carefully licking it off all of the rocks whenever he heads outside. i tried letting him out every time i saw the ducks but, he learned quickly not to chase them as they'll leave. now, he just watches them until they take off on their own in hopes of getting as many fresh treats as possible. (he's a beagle so fox are his forte, but still...he's a hunting dog. hunt dammit...wait, not for poop...damn dog.) it's gross. i really have no idea the origins of my disgust with the water dwelling creatures of the world but, it's there nonetheless...and, i'm surrounded.

Monday, April 7, 2008

eh...maybe tomorrow

(i am feeling quite LAZY with the pics lately...i need to snap out of this)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

one simple grey day will produce the green of the future

(that was one hell of a dramatic title for the four, or so, sentences i plan on writing tonight.)

today was just rain. the sound of it was wonderful and it smelled so fresh. i enjoyed every drop of it.

(hmmm...didn't quite even make it to four....what else can i say about the rain...?)

i love the fact that my truck got a free wash too.

(there. four.)

while postponing one big thing, i'll post this little thing...

(while laying flat on my back, on my patio, out of boredom, i saw this. then, i went and dug a garden)

Friday, April 4, 2008

i just wrote so much...

(...for myself and i just can't write, here's a pic)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

just like old times

(the best mural)

today, as always, i ended up with dirty knees and a pocket full of rocks. it was a good day :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

all right...and i liked the print

(i just got this in a 20 x 30. it's going right above the aquariums...just so they know i've been sittin there catching their kind since i was three...)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

so there...

i had my heart set on running tonight. i have been craving that high all day. apparently, my guy has been craving the fish store that's almost 40 minutes away all day. let's see...i'm blogging at 7:30...guess who won that one...? what pisses me off the most is that he blamed me not going on me...he gets up at 5 in the morning and was napping when i got home from work. i let him keep sleeping...our kid said he had just dozed off. according to him, my allowing him to nap turned into me not getting 30 minutes of this day to myself...because, surprise, he needed to go to the fish store...and too bad, i'm just out of luck. oh wait, but he did suggest i go at 9 or so when he gets's 35 degrees right now. after a day of melting, and then re-freezing and then being dark, i would have to be an idiot who wants a broken bone to do that. i am so mad at him right now. all i wanted was thirty minutes with some tunes to feel a little free and a lot better about myself...

it's ok. i love surfing myspace, doing laundry, dishes, and putting to bed a crying kid. it's a great replacement to independence.

i am really pissed.