Tuesday, October 14, 2008

just wait til i'm 80...

(i'm so busy, i'm deathly afraid i'm missing all the autumn...)

i hate that i am so stupid. i mean, i'm really very smart and creative and well, if i do say so myself, funny...but i can be so stupid.

why i'm going to tell you this i don't know but, well, here goes...i just went to our vending machine here at work. i'm sick and i have a gigantic sweet tooth when i get sick. i wanted some cookies. so i went to put my change in and my first thought was 'cool, we got a new vending machine...i bet some kid broke the other one.' and so i put in my quarter and it started spitting my money back out at me. i looked down in the change compartment and thought 'sweet, someone left money in here--but darn, i bet it's broken.' then i realized they were all nickles and my quarter was gone and then, no shit, i realized i had stuck my money in the change machine, not the vending machine. the nickles were actually the broken down remnants of my quarter, not something someone had left behind. the thing is, is that i'm so ho-hum about it all, i just shrug my shoulders and move on. i never feel embarassed or angry. i really just shrug and walk away from my stupidity. i just don't surprise myself any more with the idiotic thigs i do.

then there's the whole key issue i mentioned yesterday. my wonderful, incredible, sweet and most of all, patient fiance found them. after digging through garbage and searching for hours, he found them. i had put them in the recipe box. why? i have no clue. why i would stop and think, hey...i should stick these keys in with the chocolate chip cookie recipe for safe keeping is beyond me. or for that matter, why i constantly put the salt in the fridge, carry the remote control everywhere with me or crash head first into garage doors while thinking of good ideas is beyond me too.

in fact, while writing this, i reached my hand into the pocket of my sweatshirt looking for my chapstick only to find a fishing lure. seriously. i had this sweatshirt with me on labor day weekend and i did a lot of fishing. last week i found it in the garage and threw it in the laundry. today i find the lure all hooked up in there...the lure i had spent about an hour looking for on labor day--only to come to the conclusion that i must have dropped it in the water. i was even careful of it while swimming...just in case. i wonder why i never looked in my pocket? then again, why would you put hooks in your pocket anyway?


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