geez. i just don't have anything to write tonight. it sucks. all day i've been thinking about all these things i wanted to say and then when i layed down, i went blank. (i don't really think layed is a word, is it?)
well, i did a lot today and ate a lot too.
hmmm...that's all i got i guess.
wow. that was pretty lame...it reminds me of a second graders journal entry.
I love reading my old Journals, they are so funny, My high school ones kind of make me want to vomit, oh how I was a stupid teenage.
i know! me too! i have a bunch at my dad's from when i was like 8...i need to bring them here for night's when i just can't think of anything to write!
my one's from high school just piss me off. seriously. i was so stupid. (though secretly, i wish i could go back to not caring like i used to not care about shit.) i was such a stupid girl. i can't believe i never wound up pregnant at 16. oh wait, i did...
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