Saturday, September 6, 2008

there must be more than this provincial life...

(smoothies and popsicles ruled the day)

the day, as originally planned:
-crafty little boutique sale with one of my best friends.
-then, hopefully on to some antiquing.
-all of this while toting a camera in a not everyday boring kind of place.
-come home, do some laundry, straighten up a bit and chill a bottle of wine all in preparation of a night of rock band with another of my best friends.

the day, how it went:
-the kid got sick.
-the only time i left the house was to mow the grass.
-i ate too much food.
(don't get me wrong...i'm NOT complaining. i was so thankful to be able to be here with was just so different from what i had intended on doing today...)

tomorrow, back to work for the week. yay. (this is the part that gets me.)

how do people just get used to this and not need more...? why do i feel like such a basket case and a train wreck for craving more...?

Look there she goes that girl is strange, no question
Dazed and distracted, can't you tell?
Never part of any crowd
'Cause her head's up on some cloud
No denying she's a funny girl that Belle
Look there she goes a girl who's strange but special

A most peculiar mad'moiselle
It's a pity and a sin
She doesn't quite fit in
'Cause she really is a funny girl
A beauty but a funny girl
She really is a funny girl

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