so far tonight, i think there's only been like 72 arrests. i wanted to be down there...i know it's not that safe but for some reason i feel completely safe--in that, i'm-going-to-prove-freud-right kinda way that is. (it's that whole survival of the fittest thing...see, the way i figure it, in 100,000 more years, the gene that causes raccoons to run out in front of cars should be completly wiped out from the species. i should warn you, i'm not a scientist and i may be wrong on that theory...but i'm pretty sure.)
i had a friend down there tonight filming. he's doing like this st. paul before and after the rnc vs during the rnc filmy thing. i think he's still alive and i'm pretty sure he didn't get arrested...but i'm no more positive on that than i am the raccoon theory. can you believe freud's turtle is still alive? i can't. i wish he could talk...think they'de be slow words spoken with a whispery, raspy voice? i do. not that i've thought too much about the way an old turtle would talk though...really. i think the sea turtles in finding nemo talk the coolest though. anyway, my pics from yesterday's blog were used on a local news station's website...it was pretty cool.
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