Saturday, February 2, 2008

sore throats and bloody stumps

(my little one and i did manage to paint some pots for spring time planting today...amazing.)

being under the weather, even just a little, turns me into a four year old...every time. i whine. i complain. i don't pay attention. i zone out. i only want to eat junk food. i loathe responsibility. i don't listen well and communication is impossible due to me crying at everything. i can't even believe i'm writing this blog right now. all i have going on is a sore throat and a sinus thing today and all of that still happens. (thankfully, the level of severity surrounding my immaturity is only at about a three today. i'm pathetic when i have one of those super colds...i'm at a ten and then some.)

what's funny though, is that i can cut a snippet of my finger off with a box cutter and hardly flinch. i even threw the extra little chunk away myself.


LaNae said...

I am the same way.. I have been sick for three days now, and three is how old I feel, I want to lay on the floor and kick and yell and pound my fists on the groud.

Iris said...

i know! it's like the winter of sick. so many people i know have been sick over half of this dang winter.