Sunday, February 10, 2008

a bang from a door (that's actually a clever title if you read this blog. i swear.)

(i screwed this pic up with the shutter speed...but, needed a challenge so, ta-da, here it is...a much cooler looking alley by my work)

yep, last night, i got three hours, on the dot, for sleep. i had a great day, as planned. i got so much done today. it was wonderful.

hmmm...what to ramble about tonight... oh yeah. i know. i have two things...first off, i woke up on friday morning, stretched, yawned, crawled out of bed and thought to myself, i'm going to go cut my bangs right now. so i did. i said a speedy good morning to the kid and the man as i ran down the hallway toward the bathroom. i grabbed the scissors and chopped them off. it was almost six inches of hair...and big clumps of six inches of hair. so, after chopping for quite some time, i looked in the mirror and thought to myself, hey, it looks like my kid did this, cool. then i went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

why am i talking about all this ridiculous stuff i do? because. look, i got three hours of sleep last night and these are the depths of my thoughts today.

so yesterday, yes i was on my cell phone while i did this, i closed a garage door on my head. doesn't that just sound pathetic? well, that's because it was. here's how it happened: i was talking to my sister on my cell and my garage door isn't automatic, so i have to go pull the door down manually. i had the phone on my shoulder, a target bag in one hand and i was on my tip toes trying to reach that damn door when i finally got it and started to pull. well, when you have a phone pinned in-between your shoulder it's really hard to keep looking up, so i just pulled. and the next thing ya know, it was on my head. it hurt, my phone fell (this all happened because i was trying NOT to drop it in the first place), and i yelled. my sister was all like, ummm...what'd ya do? it didn't even occur to her that someone might have attacked me or something, it was, what did YOU do... oh well, at least i'm consistent....well, that's how i sell it anyway.

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