Saturday, November 1, 2008

my wii age is 41. ahhhhhhh....!

so, today is my birthday was fabulous :) the fabulousness actually started last night at the halloween party we threw...and it lasted until i passed out around 2. then, it started again this morning...after the headache went away that is.

first, i went online and saw that my mom's myspace status said...'cmarie remembers 28 years ago when we met face to face for the very first time.' that made me instantly tear up and then i noticed her profile picture was us from when i was about a year old (the one posted today) and then i saw her new photo album...all of just me! my life! there are pics i haven't seen in years and was beyond touched to think of the time i know she put into that. it felt so good. good like how her meatloaf used to smell.

then, we went to a chinese buffet for lunch and then i came home and took my annual nap. (i really do only get about one a year.) i got up from my nap when the smell of cake entered the room, my guy was actually baking :) i sat down and colored with the little one for awhile and then was told to go downstairs and play some wii for a bit. i did. next thing i know i had two presents and a big, beautifully decorated cake on my lap. they got me the wii fit game and a super awesome pen mouse is so nice. like, i'm kinda afraid to touch it kind of nice. my guy was so excited to give it to me because he knows it will help a ton with photo editing. i know it will too. so, i ate a bunch of cake, with a fork right out of the pan, and then played some wii fit with the kid. we had a ton of fun chasing eachother around in the running part :) she's fast...really fast.

today was so wonderful but ya know what's exciting now? the fact that tonight is fall back! i get one more hour of birthday...and i think that's wonderful.


LaNae said...

I am gald you had a great birthday! I spent your whole birthday drunk so I was unable to leave you a message so Happy late birthday.

~lou~ said...

I'm so happy you had such a great birthday!!! Can we plan something so I can take you out to celebrate a little late? Maybe we could buy a pack of smokes together again!! haha

love ya!!

Anonymous said...

And you passed out about 1am by the left me alone with 3 boys and then I had to go home and pass out! But great party!

Iris said...

thank you everyone :)

lanae...i spent my day pretty hung over too. i wore a b-day button all dayso i wouldn't forget.

lindsey...i would love to go vintage/clearance/antique shopping with you! and yeah, we should totally buy smokes again. can you believe that was TEN years ago!? wow. i'm stressed so i smoke all the time now anyway. am? really? shit. well, i'm getting older now i guess. i won't let it happen again! i'm glad you thought it was a great party too! i had fun :)