Friday, November 26, 2010

I to the R, to the random IS her

(that chair back there. that's where i reside today. with a dog at my feet and music in my head...)

(yep. this dog. she's my excuse for the random, stare-out-the-window, breaks. also...ya see that poor, leafless plant? yep. that's the one...)


the goal today...sit in office/studio and WORK. workworkwork. so far, i've created a wonderfully spacious, and green, room for my brand new koala webkin and also, i've eaten a lot of pie. and drank tons of yesterdays cold coffee. and watched a squirrel with my dog. and thought about watering a wilting plant (which i STILL have yet to do). oh...and hung out with a couple of weirdo children.

work hasn't been accomplished. thoughts of it have though.

i started a productive blog entry too...which i thought would be great to finish and post today. it's an, iris-is-all-over-but-just-not-here, sorta blog. basically, it chronicles all i've been doing lately, in case anyone [but me] cares to see my life on display. and i do actually. like see my life on display, that is. well, i kinda like it. it's decently interesting. (and trust me...i stare in that train crash sorta way too.) it must be some sort of disease all bloggers have actually--narcissism. oh, but here i am instead...writing nonsense, not working, killing plants and ensuring my jeans will, uhm...shrink? that's it. they'll ass won't grow.

i wish i had more coffee. the list of productivity killers up there, i totally forgot to mention the amazing soundtrack i have playing. just awesome, hot cocoa for the ears, and thoughts, sorta music. hmmm. not entirely sure on that either, but the look on my face while writing those words probably woulda made it make sense. sigh. i know. that was weird too.

anyway...favorite lyric of the day, so far:
in a parking garage by the theatre
we met for a movie
every scene was a sign
we made out through their meaning

just awesome. 'every scene was a sign...we made out through their meaning.' friggen perfect.

oh! and then there's the WAY out in right field lyrics:
life don't go quite how you planned it
we try so hard to understand it
irrefutable, indisputable fact is
it happens
ain't no rhyme or reason
no complicated meaning
ain't no need to over think it
let go laughing

what else?? i could be doing laundry too, i spose. since the whole computer thing isn't working for me. but that sounds even worse than this. well, not that this is bad or's just unproductive. i spose i could justify this in the fact that i have NOT had a four day weekend in forevs. even when i was deathly ill, or semi-deathly ill, or just ill...i only missed a half day of work. and tomorrow, i have a photo shoot, so that's something. i do fully intend on backing up my computer today in order to install windows 7, instead of this terrible vista-herpe ridden machine i've been settling with. and i need lightroom back on here, bad. i can't function without it.

oh! i know what i can do! i've acquired two new, old, amazing cameras that need to be photographed. both of them are from the late 30's. i'm not sure either of them will be functional...well, the falcon miniature i have a strong feeling could produce some magic, but i have no film development area. which, now that i bring it up, is my next major project. well, after the website. but they're totally different things...retro vs techno. well...not like bang,bang,boom,boom,boom,bang,bang,wicky,wicky,bang,bang...techno. the word was a combo of retro and techie. which you probably figured out before the explanation actually...

ok. this blog is jumping the shark again. maybe a whale this time actually. it's time to make myself do something...

((ten minutes later))
client phone call has been made.
productivity level maxed out.

oh yeah.
the plant.

ohohoh! and now:
i ain't gonna wear the clothes that you like
i'm fine and dandy with the me inside
one look in the mirror and i'm tickled pink
i don't give a hoot about what you think

no, i don't care
i don't care
i don't care
i don't care

i don't care
i don't care

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