Monday, September 27, 2010

the other

(one of the musicians warming up for saturday's rainbow rumpus event...)

so. i know i've said this before but...i'm starting another blog.

i mean it this time and i swear it'll work. it's my OWN blog this time so i'm in control of it and it's my professional-ish blog so, i'll have to watch the swears i spose.

this blog though, my iris blog, will become the red-headed stepchild that never gets spoken of over there--on the nice blog. and this blog however, my iris blog, my first-born, will still be here...just like normal. because really...what would you do without this whole mess of, well, me?

the nice blog


Drackar said...

Swear free professionalism is highly over-rated.

Lovely photos.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous shot!

Iris said...

thanks drackar! i feel the same way. swearing in front of brides is kinda like swearing in front of your great grandma. it IS okay if they do it though...

and anonymous, thank you!!