Monday, November 3, 2008

i HATE being taken advantage of...especially by something i used to truly enjoy

(i made my pics at 9:00 pm and wrote the blog around noon...not like you really care)

so, i figured i'd start this post now since i'm already avoiding reality through 60's folk music and cheese-it's. i get an hour of break time at work and i never get time to use it. this week, i'm using my five hours. i had this lovely post all ready last night about just that, work...but i never posted it. i mean it was nothing awful just general annoyances...most of them stemming from the fact that i would easily qualify for the low-income membership my museum offers with the measly wage they pay me.


i'm scared my job won't understand my freedom of speech so i'm taking the words away. i might make another picture though.

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