Tuesday, August 11, 2009


(baking...one of the many things i busy myself with weekly to stay alert...)

i guess, i should be happy to report that, with a stolen ambien, i slept decently last night. with the ambien i only had a handful of dreams. the main one, i was living at a house with my boyfriend and there was his part of the house and then his best friends part of the house (his best friend was my exes best friend, btw). i was their maid basically. i cleaned. there were lots and lots of details, dvd cases, shelves, necklaces, phone conversations, garbage, dust...lots of detail, lots of color.

another dream, i took a little raft out through our flooded streets with my camera, of which i could not find the neck strap. i had my big lens on and was trying to shoot the moon and the circles of rainbows that were everywhere...though they kept going away when the sun would come out. i ended up falling off the raft and trying desperately to save the camera...which i did.

i also dreamt of night time restaurants with dangling lights, freaking out on a friend's pregnant wife for being a bitch and dogs that died years ago.

i don't know why i think this makes a good blog. it doesn't. i know. but it's majorly affecting me lately. i'm tired all day because of this...i'm sick of falling asleep while checking my e-mail at noon. (i haven't done that in a couple weeks now...really...) some nights are better than others...i don't know why. i'm thankful it's not every night at least--i do get a little time to catch up. i'm just so tired of fighting this. heehee. get it. tired of this. heehee.

shit. even my jokes have gotten worse. they used to be so good. remember? yeah...neither do i.

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