Thursday, December 11, 2008

i say hello...hello, hello...

i knew this was going to happen. i knew it. i knew i wouldn't make it a year. i came way closer than i thought i was gonna though. it seems like a super long time since i last's only been a couple of weeks i guess.
here. let me fill you in on some of the highlights of what i've been up to...

-i got in a fight with a dad in my kids kindergarten parking lot. he couldn't count and was angry at me cuz i could. there were no punches thrown but damn i wanted to...there were just lots of words and middle fingers.

-shy guy the mouse died. i thought my kid would freak. as it turns out she really didn't care. she was like, 'hey! let's have a shy guy party and celebrate his lucky little mousy life. can we draw pictures and eat snacks?' i was like, 'eh, why not. let's have ice cream.' then she said she can't wait till the dog dies so we can have a huge party.

-i fell down a flight of stairs. i do this on a seasonal basis. it will be the death of me someday. no one directly saw but when i got up and yelled fuck, i realized i was right in front of a video camera.

-i puked at work. i think it was the warmed up cheese and mayo sandwich mixed with a glass of wine and a heating blanket that got me. the puking happened shortly after i fell down the stairs btw. oh, and all this happened on desert party day at work...even the thought of cheese cake was enough to make me gag.

-i had an employee quit when i really needed her, which caused a mini melt-down. when i called my teammate [in this fucked up job i got stuck with] crying and nearly hyperventilation, she just laughed at me. i love mean people. i felt all better. mean is like a band-aid to me.

-i discovered just how cold it is to move someone into a new home when it's ten degrees. and believe me...according to my fingers whom thawed some three hours later, it is COLD.

-i had a dream that made me furious to wake up from. that's never happened to me before. my alarm went off JUST as the good part was heppening. i attacked my alarm clock, tried to fall asleep as fast as possible, got pissed cuz i couldn't find the dream again and then just got up.

-i managed to dress homeless all week. seriously, at six a.m. i'm certain green stripes and brown and red plaid really do match. and then, at nine o'clock, while sitting in my cube, i realize that they REALLY don't. same thing with a black faded t-shirt with a white camera painted on it, a yellow sweater and a bright red skirt that looked like something june cleaver would don...

those are the major things...i think. i've been doing lots of baking but mostly lots of working. my house is a pit right now but the kid is at a sleep over so damned if i'm cleaning it tonight. i'm going to go drink some more wine...but skip the cheese sandwich this time...and enjoy my messy house.


LaNae said...

Oh my word I am still laughfing about the mouse and the dog, I had to read it to Justin, he did not find it as funny as I did. I miss you, will be nice to see you in a few weeks.

~lou~ said...

bless anya's heart. that kid is so amazing lol she never fails to make me smile.. you don't either btw.

let me know when you are free. i seriously need to have some socialization with people who can hear me when i talk.

once again you have inspired me to blog- but the thought of how much work it is going to be is totally making me unmotivated (is that a word?)

Iris said...

boys never anything as funny as it really is! happy b-day btw...i'm sorry i missed your party! we just don't have money to drink/puke away right now :( we did get a new dog. yay. erik decided to surpise us with it...don't get me wrong...the dog is the exact right dog for us. the timing isn't so much!

anya cracks me up...she is so different! i love it and i LOVE her perspective on life :) if unmotivated isn't a word it SHOULD be...though i think it is. i'm concerned about you and WANT you to blog. i want to hear how you're doing!