Tuesday, November 4, 2008

thank you america

tonight i told the kid...if the mccain wins we're heading to canada, seriously. she snapped back with, mom, i don't know how to speak their spanish. we can't leave american.

thank god we're not going to have to learn their spanish. (though by 10.31.09 i will be fluent in spanish.)


Anonymous said...

I said the same thing about heading to Canada! I told my boyfriend if McCain makes it, we're outta here!

Anonymous said...

That is funny because shawn and I were telling our kids that if Obama won we were moving to Sweden. The girl said we can't move then I will miss my best friend...Well I guess we will be moving to Sweden now. See you next time we visit!

Iris said...

thanks for the comment sam!

and pickleb...right after the spanish comment she asked if her best friend could come and then thought for a minute and asked if she knew their spanish. it was very funnny.

i think pot is legal in sweden. we should all just move there anywhere...lots of blond people, and skiing and hot chocolate. wow. that was rascist of me...or something like that... i think i could escape this hell hole of a job i have there too... LET'S GO!!!!!!!

~lou~ said...

how are you doing your pretty pictures on here? im envious.

i always get motivated to blog after i read yours... but then... i click away and that motivation goes right out the window. someday i will actually blog more then once a month.

p.s yay for obama!!

Iris said...

erik got me one of those super cool pen mouse pads for my b-day...for pic editing. the kid and i both love it with paint though!

i'm waiting for another post from ya btw :) maybe i shouldn't hold my breath though huh?