Thursday, November 13, 2008

hey...i actually wrote something

so the other day i woke up, and due to my like of the show pushing daisies and a fit of o.c.d., i decided to make a pie. it was the awesome-est pie ever. i left one special piece for today but there was a little green dot on it :(

stupid mold.
why didn't i refrigerate it it?
stupid me.

i decided to have a glass of wine instead.

so, i saw my crazy ex today. he's well. he was with his daughter playing at my work--and texted me to say so. it was brief. there's something about him that tickles my creative side though...even in the swiftness of our encounter today. all that depression and stress of that idiotic daily grind melts away when he's around...i crave adventure and i'm young and i'm overcome by the desire to do more with my creativity when i'm with him. i'm embarassed to admit to him that i lose it i tell him i'm good. and happy. and that everything's well. good thing we don't talk often...

i still can't figure out if he's my crack, my ibuprofin, my security blanket or my crutch...either way...he always gets me in trouble. i guess that outweighs everything else...or so they say.


Anonymous said...

So this has nothing to do with your blog, but your friendly neighborhood PETA must be stopped! Now they want health insurance companies to raise premiums for meat eaters and decrease them for vegetarians. One argument is because EColi is found in meat and that causes illness, but they fail to mention the ecoli has recently been found on your/their beloved vegetables too. MAKE THE MADNESS STOP!!!!!!!(BTW it is on

Iris said...

they don't need to raise it for meat eaters but they SHOULD give a vegetarian discount. like with smokers... consuming large amounts of red meat is dangerous man. it's been linked to cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and hypertension just to name a few. (this isn't the case with people who eat very lean cuts of red meat or people who eat organic beef.)

maybe it shouldn't be a premium thing but more of a junk food tax. mcdonald's like you tax cigarettes--it's my choice whether or not i want to pay that or not, they're not necessities. we can make healthier choices and it could help the economy...

Anonymous said...

Vegetarians are not necessarily healthier than meat eaters though! You eat more junk food than I eat meat...pretzels and a can of frosting ring a bell? I just thought it was a funny thing by PETA...I think some of them are a little bit wacky! Oh and you would have loved being in my garage on Tuesday night. There is still deer blood on the floor in there, probably some brain too. Gross, I almost puked actually!