uhm. i'm out of free furniture from the side of the road now...
i really, really like my new bench though :)
(in case ya couldn't tell, the above photos are of the bench--start to finish.)
oh! and look at the new shelves i have in my office. i was so excited about this, i almost cried.

hmmm. that's all i have to say tonight, i guess. i thought i had more...but i haven't seen this episode of star trek yet and i keep getting distracted.
oh. did you see lady gaga at the vma's last night? well, neither did i, as i don't have anything more than a couple channels, which i never watch anyway (star trek's on netflix). anyway, when i saw her online this morning, i saw that she showed up as jo calderone--the alter-ego that i posted a pic of the other day. seriously...love it, even in real life, not just photos. she's just wonderful...all around. also, i think i like adele now. i mean, i did, kinda, before, but so did everyone else...now i think i might actually like her, much like, well, okay, everyone else. remember when garth brooks was chris gaines? that seemed weirder to me than gaga for some reason. i mean seeing garth brooks in eye makeup was just odd...it seems more normal to see gaga as jo.