Wednesday, November 2, 2011


okay...still in thought about my ramblings of recent and ya know what? sometimes, it all just boils down to wanting to go where everybody knows my name. and they're always glad i came. i wanna be where i can see, our troubles are all the same. i wanna go where everybody knows my name.


well. that was plainly and simply, plagiarism.


if you want to get in touch with me, even if you *think* i don't like you or that you shouldn't, PLEASE email me at to keep in touch--i really would love to hear from you :) i can connect you to my google+ (even if you don't belong to it, i can still email you my posts) or converse via email. i'm pretty much putting up mini-blogs with all of my photos lately on g+ anyway...

this blog, my blog-baby, doesn't feel bright it used to. it feels like i'm here fully but some of you are just doin' the whole gawker slow down thing and that makes me want not be here fully...and that's not what i'm all about. i could see me coming back, someday, but right now...between my busy-ness and the bad taste in my mouth...i'm not sure why i'm making any effort at all.

in case you're's what i'm working on over on g+ and just in general:
(this is like a commercial, btw...)

::i just started a 365 project and connected to other photographers in the 365 community. so far, i'm on day 3. i was not-so-gently-nudged by friends to get my ass going on this. i've always put it off due to time and the difficulty of it, but, it's time :) (a 365 project is a photo-a-day project.)

::i'm working on my photo scavenger hunt. that has a november 30th deadline so i REALLY need to get moving on it. though it's something my kid and i are working on together, so it's been fun :)

::i was invited into a small group of fairly well-known, incredibly talented, photographers, to participate in their 'photo death match'. basically, the moderators of the group pit two photographers against each other, choose the topic for them, give them a week and tell them to 'go'. the photos, on their deadline, are put up, in front of tens of thousands of people to be seen, shared and voted on. i'm up this week and our topic is the 'selfie'. i need to, by monday, create a self-portrait worthy of some massive publicity and maybe some approval. i'm up against a guy who's got a rough and tough demeanor but can photograph women beautifully...i can't wait to see what he comes up with.

::moderating!! i'm moderating a weekly, online, photo group called fido friday. so, if you're ever on g+ and have a dog photo you want to submit for my moderation abilities, do it! anyone can submit...doesn't matter your abilities!

::editing! i have to finish editing, finish burning and do some mailing!

so yeah...that's pretty much it.

*switches off light*