Tuesday, January 19, 2010


(i'm trying so hard to not go dormant this winter...)

ok. the thought of blogging here gives me a stomach ache. why? oh. i'll tell ya why. because no matter HOW hard i try, i muck my whole blog up with stupid, stinkin, drama.

i started this thing with the intention of photographing and writing everyday to be more creative. and now? now...i write here when i'm feeling uncreative and crabby. it started way back when, with my career drama/depression. now it's relationship stuff that clouds up the creativity 'round this place.

so....in order to get me back; i'm removing me from it all--if that makes any sense. hell. if you've followed along this far in my blog life, it probably, kinda does.

ok. so. i've always wanted to do a 365 photo project but the thought of endless shots of nightstands, various household objects and repetitive 'creativity', irritates me. so...i thought...what better way to combine it all...

enter stage right: boomy
this'll be up and running by the weekend.
currently...boomy is getting baked.

also...for now, my flickr account will serve as the spot for the majority of my photo work...